I am sure you have all gotten the memo. Wallpaper is coming back in style. But first, for those of you who are looking to rid yourself of it, I have some tips for removing unwanted wallpaper that will make your experience a little better.
This task can be most dreaded. I have done it multiple times, and it can be a big undertaking, if the area is large.
There are 3 easy tips that will make this process easier:
- Use a wallpaper scorer
- Use fabric softener and water mixture
- Be sure the solution is hot
How to Remove Wallpaper:
You will want to prepare your area. The glue from the wallpaper can be pretty sticky and messy. Use plastic or drop clothes to protect your flooring or furniture.
Next, you want to make holes in the wallpaper, so that the wallpaper can soak up the solution that you will be using. This will make the wallpaper much easier to remove. You can use a wallpaper scorer to do this. You can find these at home improvement stores or on Amazon.
There are a lot of solutions that have been designed to remove wallpaper, but you can also use a DIY version that works wonders. A hot mixture of fabric softener and water is one of the best known solutions for removing wallpaper. The ratio is 1:1.
Begin to saturate the walls with the solution. You can use a spray bottle or a sponge or rag to soak the wallpaper. Give it time to soak in, but don’t let it dry. Only saturate a small area at a time and reheat your solution as needed. A hot solution works much better to loosen up the glue.
Use a putty knife to scrape loosen and scrape the wet wallpaper off the wall. There may be glue residue left behind. You can remove this residue with soapy water. Now, it is time for your next project- new wallpaper or a coat of paint!
Great way to keep your solution warm, have a crock pot of hot water and keep solution filled bottle in it between spraying walls.
I use this for baby bottles late at night too!
Yes – these are great tips! We recently removed wallpaper from three rooms. It actually wasn’t as bad as I dreaded and my 6 year old did a good portion of the work. Go figure! The one thing I would add is you need to wait. I found that waiting a few minutes after scoring and spraying made a huge difference – most of the time the wallpaper would peel right off if the solution had enough time to soak in properly. And no, I don’t agree that wallpaper is coming back in style 🙂 Never again will I wallpaper!