Your bathroom can be a battlefield between you and mold. Black mold thrives in bathrooms because of their moisture, lack of ventilation, and lack of light. But you don’t have to be beaten by black mold. With a thorough cleaning and continuous up-keep, your bathroom can stay mold-free. Here are some helpful hints:
Clean your shower and tub area thoroughly with Tilex or some tile-cleaning product that contains bleach using a stiff bristled brush.Just be careful with the fumes, because they can be dangerous when inhaled too much.
Baking Soda
Combine baking soda with liquid soap and essential oils to get an awesome mold fighting solution! All you need to do is mix the ingredients together until you get a paste and then scrub it around your bathroom.
Put some white vinegar in a spray bottle without diluting it (you want the vinegar at full strength). Spray the vinegar on your bathroom surfaces and let the mixture sit for an hour (keep the door open for ventilation). Fill a spray bottle with vinegar, then go in and scrub away the mold!
If you don’t want to use harsh chemicals like bleach, consider using lemon, tea tree oil, or grapefruit seed extract to clean away the mold. They can still be pretty effective while not causing your bathroom to smell of such strong chemicals. Always check to make sure the mold hasn’t returned, though.
If you have scrubbed and cleaned repeatedly and it still doesn’t do the trick, you may need to replace the caulk in your shower or tub. Use a box-cutter to score the moldy caulk and then pull it out with your fingers or pry it out with a screwdriver. Prepare the area for caulking by putting tape on either side of the space that will be caulked. Leave about 1/4 inch space. Make sure to use silicone caulk meant for showers and bathrooms. Apply according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
In order to fight against the growth of new mold, ventilate, ventilate, ventilate! Once your shower is free of black mold, it is important to keep it that way. One of the best ways to do this is to keep your bathroom ventilated. Run the fan during and after your shower. Keep the bathroom window open. Use a dehumidifier and an air purifier. Clean your tub and shower often to prevent the growth of new mold.
Why the tape? It’s way easier to use a finger or a damp rag-