‘Tis the season for outdoor projects and backyard improvements! Here are some fun and relatively simple ideas for weekend projects: Make an outdoor scrabble board I love this idea! Make a giant scrabble board out of scored concrete (I suppose you could do checkers or chess too) and enjoy playing the game outside on a […]
10 Easy Projects that Will Boost Resale Value
For those who are moving, and even those who aren’t but want to boost their home value, there are a few DIY projects that will help immensely with increasing your home value. A few of these really surprised me! Home Maintenance The number one thing that will make your home sell easier, faster, or for […]
Unique DIY Flooring Ideas
Now that it is summer, and the kids are tracking in dust all. day. long. I want to talk flooring ideas. I keep thinking that when we plant a money tree, and it grows, we will replace this nasty beast of a floor (daaark hardwood!) Until then, I can only dream. Here are some really […]
How to Install Board and Batten Wainscoting
Confession. I have a woodworker in my home, and I am not afraid to use him. I know there are some crazy crafty talented women out there, that would rock the board and batten themselves, but when I have a perfectly good husband standing right there, why would I? So, my part in this project […]
Small Toy Organization- The Perfect Jar
There are a few things I really love. I love baskets and jars. I am not sure why, I think it must be a gene of some sort because I am inherently attracted to both of these things in any store I am in, even when I have no use for them whatsoever. BUT. I found these great […]
Our “Harmony Jar”
I just realized that you can get an idea of the kind of week I’ve had based on the projects I did. I made a “Harmony Jar” and a Chore Chart. Ha. I got this idea from my neighbor, who has an “Uh-oh Jar.” The problem I am dealing with […]