I don’t know why I am obsessed with interesting front doors. For one, I think it makes a huge difference in the feel of the home. After seeing my new neighbors deep red door the other day, I came home to research doors and what colors work to invite others into your home and make […]
Home Projects
10 Clever Ideas to Organize Your Kitchen Spice Cabinet
My spice cabinet is an absolute disaster. I can’t ever find what I am looking for! I love these amazing ideas to finally organize our spice cabinets! It will be so great to finally find the Aregano when I am looking for it! Labeling Good organization begins with labeling, you have to know what […]
7 {Inexpensive} Places to Buy Furniture Hardware
The best way to add the “wow” factor to an old piece of furniture (or even a new one) is to replace the hardware. Fancy hardware can make an “eh” piece of furniture look amazing. In fact, I went looking for a dresser for my daughter, and couldn’t find anything I liked. So, I got […]
7 Things you Should NEVER Buy at a Craft Store
1. Foam I just upholstered a bench seat for my playroom. I went to Joann’s and the foam that I wanted (3 inch) was (wait for it…) 44.99 a yard!! I needed 3 yards. At the end of a very expensive playroom reno, this was not good news. I left the fabric store deflated, and […]