There are a few things I really love. I love baskets and jars. I am not sure why, I think it must be a gene of some sort because I am inherently attracted to both of these things in any store I am in, even when I have no use for them whatsoever. BUT. I found these great jars at IKEA for super cheap (like 3.99 a piece) and I wanted to use them in my playroom for all those small toys that get lost in the big toy baskets (see! we don’t have a toy box, we have toy baskets!) Anyway, I love to make stuff look like it is on purpose, so I painted the lids with chalkboard paint and here they are:
Best way to paint these:
1. Use Plastic primer. You have to. You have no choice. Do 2 coats.
2. Spray on Chalkboard paint. You can try to use the brush on latex, but it could get ugly. This is my warning.
3. After 2 coats, let them dry for a couple of days before you go scratching up the surface with chalk.
PS- I am totally qualified to tell you the best way to paint these, because I screwed them up the first time, and the paint peeled right off.
I think they are pretty darn cute. They are perfect for things like small cars, rubber discs (or other ninja ammo), bead sets, Polly Pocket or other small toys, etc. And… I made this chalkboard table from an IKEA coffee table and look how perfectly they fit underneath!