There are a few things I really love. I love baskets and jars. I am not sure why, I think it must be a gene of some sort because I am inherently attracted to both of these things in any store I am in, even when I have no use for them whatsoever. BUT. I found these great […]
Garden Room Redesign
3 years ago, my daughter and husband were out of town for a week visiting family and I decided to surprise them both with a much needed room makeover for my little girl. I had 4 days to do it, and I was on my own, completely. Here is her pathetic room before: […]
How to Paint Laminate Countertop
Um… Can you paint a kitchen counter top? Yup, you sure can! I was amazed to find so many great products that you can use to revive your old counter top. Did you know you could do this? Here is a step-by-step for painting a counter top. There are a few different methods and products […]
Office Makeover- Part 1
I am thrilled to be making over our office. And nervous. And living in a huge mess right now. It started out innocent enough, just a little paint, some wainscoting, simple right? Now, we have a quarter inch of sheet rock dust all over our house and our office furniture crammed into our great room. […]
A Flooding Mess and New Wood Floors
I think I have project ADD. I can. not. stop. myself. We currently have the kids bathroom 3/4 the way done, the office completely out of commission, and the dining area under construction. It is a good thing that “funds” help me put the brakes on, because otherwise, my house would always be torn apart. […]
My 10 Favorite Kitchen Organizing Ideas
As I’m anxiously awaiting my new floors in the hallway, I have been cleaning up sheet rock dust from our last project. I tend to clean in an “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” style. Somehow it evolved from dusting the sheet rock dust to organizing my cabinets and drawers in my kitchen. In […]