I just realized that you can get an idea of the kind of week I’ve had based on the projects I did. I made a “Harmony Jar” and a Chore Chart. Ha. I got this idea from my neighbor, who has an “Uh-oh Jar.” The problem I am dealing with is the incessant fighting. I have a 6 year old girl and and a 3 year old boy and they are usually best friends. But lately, it seems like they have been fighting or teasing Non. Stop. And I am going nuts. I am pretty tired of refereeing and I don’t want to listen to it anymore. And also, my house can always use cleaning, so I might as well put those little slaves to work! That IS why we have kids, right?
So, I used a jar from IKEA (I already had it.) A mason jar would work just lovely too. I bought a $3 bag of colorful tongue depressors, a new Sharpie and I got to work.
My oldest girl does really well with tasks. She really likes to know what is expected of her in specific detail. The plan is, that every time they fight (not just a squabble, but a fight I have to deal with) they each go pick a stick out of the Harmony Jar. Then, they have to whatever task is on that stick. This should accomplish a few things. For one, it distracts them and switches gears. Two- hopefully they will serve each other and find love and compassion for each other through some of these tasks (a lot are service for the other.) Three. I don’t have to try to guess who is right/wrong, they both get a stick! And Four. My house is cleaner on days they are harder. Seems balanced.
Some of the tasks are:
- Wipe down the barstools
- Windex the back door
- Vacuum the office
- Pick up 10 toys in the playroom
- Dust the loft
- Turn on Pandora and dance for 15 minutes
- Organize your siblings shoes
- Make yours siblings bed
- Organize 1 of your drawers
- Sing 3 songs to your sibling
- Go scrub the bathtub
- Unload the dishwasher
- Freebie!
- Sweep laundry room
- Straighten baby’s room
- Disinfect 4 door knobs
- Hug and kiss mom
- Hug and kiss your sibling
- Make a card for your sibling
- Name 3 things you love about Dad
- Name 3 things you love about Mom, Beck, etc.
- Clean the bathroom mirror
- Pull 10 weeds
- Tell each other sorry
- Clean out car
- Sweep the kitchen floor
I really have great kids and I love those lil’ stinkers. But I hope this will resolve some of the issues that chase away the harmony in our home!
I have seen people use jars like this for kids that don’t clean up, or for kids that don’t listen, etc. It is very adaptable:)
Thanks! I love this idea. I have two boys that fight constantly and I have tried the cleaning thing but was not consistent. I like the positives they have to do also I.e. kiss or be thankful for each other. Thanks again!
I LOVE calling this a Harmony Jar since that is what we are trying to teach our littles ( ages7, 5.5, and 3)! My two oldest are girls and we are always having bickering. I love that I don’t referee any more, fighting and winning gets a stick! Thanks so much!
Great idea! Where did you purchase the colorful tongue depressors from?