I have tried a lot of things to try to have a routine where the kids get ready in the morning and do a chore to learn responsibility and help around the house. I feel like all day, it is 1 step forward and 2 steps back, as far as the house goes. So, I am on a mission to get some help from the littles. If nothing else, when they are “cleaning” at least they aren’t making other messes during that time.
Some chore charts don’t really work for our family and some are hard to stick with, etc. So I decided to make my own. My eldest is very task oriented. She is a list maker and likes to accomplish things. She HAAATES chores. But does fine when I assign her “tasks.” I wanted something she could do herself and cross things off her “list.”
I started by making the magnets. Each child is different and they will each have different things they are responsible for. The chart has evolved as I look at other ideas. After making our “fight jar” and now the chore chart, I also need something to reward them and emphasize the positive. So, that is my mission this weekend. To work on the positive.
I bought some scrapbook paper, some glass pebbles from the floral department of Hobby Lobby, and some modge podge. I cut circles out of the scrapbook paper, and used a fine tip sharpie to write their chores on them. Then, I modge-podged the paper to the flat side of the glass. After that, I painted the back of the paper with modge podge and let it dry. Then, I used y glue gun and attached heavy duty magnets to the back. I am planning on covering my magnet board with a thin fabric, so I needed to do the strongest magnets I could. You can’t buy these at the craft store (in the pict, those are craft store magnets, because I didn’t know that when I started this project.) You have to buy them at the hardware store.
So, step one- done. I just need to get the board done. I want to start a reward system as well, so the kids are not just doing chores and picking sticks from the discipline jar. I am thinking (inspired by a friend’s idea) that I will do some sort of family money and family store idea. My kids LOOOVE quarters and money and buying things themselves, so it might be really motivating to earn it and pick from a basket of dollar store toys and treats.