Chances are if you’ve been on Pinterest, or anywhere on the internet, you’ve seen some version of modern farmhouse design. It is a craze that seemingly everyone wants in on. How about you? Are you feeling the modern farmhouse frenzy? If you are, keep reading for more modern farmhouse inspiration. If you aren’t, keep reading […]
Home Decor Ideas
Toss Pillows Perfect For Valentine’s Day Decor
There’s a fabulous way to add flair to your home for February. Just purchase some toss pillows perfect for Valentine’s Day decor. Toss pillows are actually a quick and inexpensive home decor solution for any holiday. Just “toss” the pillows on your sofa, sectional, or bed. The decorating is done! Once February is over, pack […]
Valentine’s Day Decor at Amazon
Once the holidays are over and the decorations put away things can feel a little stark. But this is where Valentine’s Day decor comes in! Put up some Valentine’s Day decor from Amazon, and things will feel decidedly more warm and inviting. Let me show you what sort of Valentine’s Day decor you can find. […]
Home Decor: Tin Is In
Tin is in! Looking for some new elements for your home décor? Don’t discount tin. It works especially well in farmhouse décor, but you don’t have to have a farmhouse to use tin. Check out the following ways to use tin home décor and see what appeals to you. You just might love all these […]
Urban Decay Photography Decor
Urban decay photography is a growing trend in home décor. There is something hauntingly beautiful about the images of once vital urban areas that have fallen into disrepair. Urban decay photography is the art of capturing that decay in a beautiful, striking way. If you’re into urban decay photography décor, this post is for you! […]
Warm Up to a Contemporary Fireplace
Some people think of contemporary fireplaces as too cold. But that perception couldn’t be further from the truth. The outside of a contemporary fireplace may be modern and clean-lined, but the inside will warm you right up just as well as a traditional gas or wood burning fireplace. Keep reading to see the reasons why […]