Cut back on the energy bill and do good for the environment by following these great energy-saving tips! Your wallet and the earth will thank you!
1. Buy the right bulbs
LED lights give off the same amount of light as regular bulbs but use about 15% of the energy. Price are really reasonable now. LED bulbs also last about 20 years! They also come in tube lights also for the garage or workshop.
2. Time it right
Use timers to have lights turn on in the morning/evening and off in the day while you’re out and at night when you’re sleeping. Monitor outdoor energy use by installing motion-detector lights.
3. Heat things up
Using a microwave or toaster oven uses less energy than cooking with a conventional oven.
4. Take care of the fridge/freezer
Use the power saving mode on the fridge if you have one. Repair the door seals so cold air doesn’t leak out. Dust off the fridge and around the coils behind it. Keep the freezer full because it uses less energy to keep it cold that way.
5. Washing and drying
Do several loads at a time so your dryer stays warm and doesn’t have to re-heat. Try to avoid doing very small loads of laundry. Vent the dryer to the outdoors so the AC doesn’t have to work so hard. Don’t dry your clothes longer than necessary.
6. Keep the temperature under control
Install a programmable thermostat that can turn the AC/heater down or off during the night and when you’re out during the day.
7. Let in the (natural) light
The sun gives you FREE “electricity” during the day, so use it! Choose window treatments that allow a lot of natural light in. Install more windows if you need to!
8. Get plugged in
Plugging multiple electronics into a power strip is cheaper than plugging them all into individual outlets.