I felt like I was needing some tips on how to be better at saving money because I am just not good at it! I found SO many great ideas I had to share them with you!
1.Write Down Goals
Write down daily and weekly goals, and make sure that you and your partner are both on the same page.
2. Have a REAL Budget
I know this seems pretty basic, but we still don’t do it. Make a realistic budget with all expenses and stick to it. Make sure you are keeping track of even the tiny purchases here and there…they add up!
3. Cut Back
Have you ever heard the quote “If you do the same things the same way you’ll get the same results”? Well it’s true…so figure out where to cut back…eating out, subscriptions, lower insurance, etc.
4. Start a Savings Account
Even if you only deposit $5.00 a paycheck at first that is still $5.00 that you aren’t spending. Don’t touch your savings account except in emergencies!
5. Wait Before Making a Purchase
If you are wanting to buy something…wait a day or two and see if you still want it, or if it still feels important. Most of the time you will completely forget about whatever you were going to buy!
6. Spending Diary
Now this doesn’t need to be a long-term thing and it can be kind of annoying, but it helps! When you are trying to figure out a realistic budget keep a spending diary and keep track of EVERY purchase you make. You’ll be able to see how much you need to spend and where you are over spending.
7. Weekly Budget
Most of us do a monthly budget, but you’ll find it really helpful if you break that up into a weekly budget that’s easier to keep track of.
8. Shop Around
Don’t just go for the most convenient purchase…shop around, and use coupons to make sure you are getting the best prices. This makes a big difference especially on bigger purchases and with groceries.
9. Side Hustle
Fins ways to make a little extra money on the side. Whether that be selling things online, over time hours, part-time evening or weekend job. This may not be easy, but can help a lot even just for a short period of time to get ahead.
10. Start Small and Slowly Get Bigger
Cut back a little at a time. When you start taking money out for savings start with a little and work your way up. It’s easier to stick to your goal when you don’t try to do too much all at once.
11. Save Your Change
At the end of the day put your spare change into a change jar, over time it can really add up. Once the jar is full go cash it and put that money into your savings account!
12. Overpay Your Mortgage
Again, even just a little bit here and there will make a difference in the long run, and you will love the day when your home is paid off! Especially if it’s a few years early!
13. Cash Only
If you just can’t keep to your budget then try this method for awhile. Only carry the amount of cash with you that you have worked into your budget for the day. When you actually see the money being spent it makes you realize more how much you are spending.
14. Cut Groceries
You’ll be shocked at how much you save (in money and the extra pounds) when you don’t buy the extra soda, or chips, or whatever your guilty food pleasures are.
15. Set an Allowance
It’s okay to have an occasional night out, or to buy something extra for yourself. But this needs to be worked into your budget. So give yourself a certain amount of money for yourself each week or month. This way you don’t over do it, or feel completely guilty every time you buy something for yourself.
16. Check Your Utility Bill
Make sure you are getting the best deal on your utilities, and remember to conserve where you can….turn down the thermostat, take a shorter shower, turn lights off, etc.
17. Make a Menu Plan
If you are fixing good meals then you will save money on eating out, and snacks. Also if you have a menu you’ll know exactly what you need at the grocery store and save yourself from buying unnecessary items.
18. Shop with a List
Always shop with a list, and only buy what’s on the list unless it’s something you absolutely need.
19. Minimize Eating Out
I LOVE eating out and so does my husband, but that money adds up quick. Maybe eat out every other week, and choose restaurants that aren’t as expensive, or find groupons and coupons!
20. Pocket your Raises
If you get a raise, this doesn’t mean your spending has to go up. If you keep living on the same budget it will give you an opportunity to save a lot more.
21. Do a Price Comparison on Insurance
Especially before you renew. This is a necessary monthly expense, so if you can find a better deal somewhere else you will save a lot!
22. Avoid Shopping for Fun
We all do it, and it is dangerous. Never go to any store just to “browse” only go if there is something specific you are needing to buy. If you want to just walk around….leave your wallet in the car!
23. Get a Fuel Efficient Car
The less gas you use, the less you have to buy. So think about how fuel efficient your car is and limit driving to when necessary.
24. Stay Motivated
Saving money is hard, and if you are like my husband it’s even harder than for most. So don’t completely wear yourself out trying to save. Find ways to reward yourself that makes you excited about the money you are spending and want to continue doing it.
25. Free Entertainment
Try to avoid buying apps, or spending money to rent movies at home etc. There are SO many free things out there that it seems almost silly to spend money on it.
26. Save First, Buy Later
It’s easy to get a car loan, or buy that TV and say “we’ll pay it off quick.” As a rule of thumb it is always better to save the money first and pay cash. If possible have your home be the only thing you owe money on.
27. Remember to Evaluate “Needs vs Wants”
It’s amazing how many things we think we “need” but really we just want them! If you can avoid buying those wants for awhile (home decor is my biggest one) and make due with what you have around the house it will pay off!
28. Go on a Spending Freeze
This means not spending ANY money (except in emergency) for a given amount of time. Try to have a spending freeze for one week out of each month.
29. Be Careful After Your Spending Freeze
Just because you have gone a day or week without spending doesn’t mean you should go crazy. If you do that then the spending freeze was for nothing, so be aware of your spending at all times!
30. Cancel Gym Membership
I’m not trying to downplay the importance of exercise, but there are a lot of free ways to do it!
31. Use Your Creativity
Sometimes it’s just a lot easier to spend money than it is to be creative, but I know you have it in you! Figure out how to use the remaining groceries in your pantry to make a meal, figure out a fun free date night. A lot of times the process will be a lot more fun when you have to be creative!
32. Have Fun at Home
Plan a fun game night, or activity at home or in your neighborhood with the kids instead of paying to go out somewhere.
33. Have One Car
This may not be possible for everyone, but for a lot of families it is totally realistic! It may be a little more inconvenient for awhile, but think of how much you will save on gas, and insurance alone!
34. Purchase Only Sale Items
Do this as much as possible. If an item isn’t on sale either don’t buy it, or wait until it goes on sale!
35. Plan Frugal Date Nights
I think date nights are very important! Whether you and your significant other do one once a week or once a month it doesn’t mean you have to spend every time you go out. There are plenty of free or inexpensive date night ideas, so take turns and have fun planning some creative nights out!
36. Think Cheap or Free Vacations
Just because you are going through a period of time where you’re trying to save doesn’t mean you have to skip out on your summer family vacation. Drive instead of fly, go camping, pack as much food as you can, etc. Planning ahead can help you save a lot and still have an awesome, memory filled family vacation.
37. Shop with Coupons
There are SO many coupons out there, and a lot of stores will match competitors coupons! So it might take you a little extra time looking through the paper or online, but it’s worth it!
38. Plan Ahead
I know I have mentioned this a few times before, but I just need to reiterate the importance of it! Plan ahead on EVERYTHING when you wait until last minute, you almost always spend money that you wouldn’t have otherwise.
39. Freezer Meals
My sister had a group in her neighborhood that did this, there was like 10 couples and once a month they would each make a freezer meal and divide it into 10, and then exchange. It saved a lot of money when you’re just buying bulk ingredients for one meal, but when you come home you have 10 freezer meals for those last minute dinner nights! You don’t have to do this exactly, but any version of freezer meal plan if you do it smart can save you money and time!
40. Check Your Cell Phone Plan
Cut back on data, don’t buy the latest and greatest phone. I’m sure you can find ways to make your cell phone bill cheaper!
41. Never Grocery Shop Hungry
We have all done it, and we have all regretted it. When you are hungry EVERYTHING in the store looks good, and you think you need it. Eat before you go!
42. Reduce Stress
You have heard the saying “Money Can’t Buy Happiness” and although I totally agree….there are definitely times where buying something makes me feel a whole lot better! Whether it be food, clothes, items for the home, etc. When we are stressed I these “feel good buy’s” seem to happen more often. So find ways to reduce stress in your life and find alternatives sources of happiness.
43. Shop on Ebay or Amazon
I couldn’t count all the times that I see something I want in a store and I go home, and find it for half the price online! If you have Amazon Prime you get free shipping right to your door. Be careful of this though….remember only buy what you NEED!!
44. Look Up Natural Cleaners
You will save on cleaning supplies and avoid those harsh chemicals. It’s amazing what you can clean with vinegar, or lemons, or baking soda! Seriously just do a little research.
45. Thrift Shop
You can find everything at your local thrift store, and a lot of it will barely be used! Make sure do clean and disinfect before use, but I have found good kids toys for like $2 instead of $25!
46. Have a Routine
If you have days when you’re home bored it’s easy to fill that time with something that costs money. So have a routine each day, and again plan ahead so you’re not bored wondering what to do!
47. Don’t Buy Every “Deal” You See
There is a difference between “only buying things on sale” and “buying everything on sale.” It’s so tempting when we see a deal to buy it because well….it’s on sale! If you don’t need it, don’t buy it even if it is a great deal!
48. Take Advantage of What is Offered to You
If you or your husband are still in school apply for FAFSA, grants, and scholarships like crazy!! Check and see if your kids qualify for free lunches at school. If you are offered a free deal take advantage of it.
49. Avoid Wasting Food
Eat left overs! Only buy bulk if you can freeze it, or it won’t go bad. Even if you get a great deal when you end up throwing it out when it goes bad that is money down the toilet!
Remember to enjoy life! Whether you are making millions, or living paycheck to paycheck…don’t get so caught up in the stresses of life that you forget to enjoy the little things along the way. Forget about the “I’ll be happy when…” CHOOSE to be happy NOW! 🙂
Wonderful pin it
The other advantage to shoping on amazon is I only order what I need. No impulse buys at the register or candy aisle
Good point!!