Decorate Mason jars with all sorts of spooky Halloween creatures. You can make ghosts, pumpkins, Frankenstein, vampires, and so many more!
Turn your front yard into a spooky cemetery by making your own tombstones. You can even put the names of your family members on the tombstones to make it more fun!
Mix Elmer’s glue and red food coloring together to get a blood-like substance. Stick your hand in it and leave bloody hand prints on the windows and mirror of your home.
Here’s a great idea to mix work and decorations! Rake up the leaves into white garbage bags and, instead of throwing them away, draw ghost faces on them and use them in your yard!
Take old medicine bottles and other containers, spray paint them black, and then design them to be witch’s brew ingredients. You can make toad stool, eye of newt, and other ingredients.
Make these incredibly disgusting and terrifying spider sacks that you can hang around your home! They’re so gross, but they look so cool!
Take those old Christmas cities and spray paint them black. You now have a haunted village that was super easy to make!
I love this idea, but it takes a bit of time. You make a ghost out of packing tape and then put a light underneath it. The light reflects off the tape, making an eerie and spooky glowing figure.
Cut out a Halloween shape (like a cat, snake, or witch’s hat), put it on a pumpkin, and then spray paint the pumpkin black. Let it dry and then remove the shape—you now have a cool Halloween design on the pumpkin without carving it.
You could also just carve the pumpkin and then spray paint it black to give the light inside of it even more contrast! That’s a fun and easy idea.
Make these incredibly scary ghouls if you want to freak people out! Just stick them in your yard and everyone will be afraid to enter!
Use some spare wood to make a spooky coffee you can put on your porch or near the door. You can even make it look like something is trying to escape from it!
A super easy idea is to make a small cut out of a Halloween creature and then use a spotlight to project a large silhouette into the side of your house.
Turn a normal doll into a zombie doll with a bit of paint and decorations. Paint them gray, make their hair tattered, and add some blood or other spooky effects.
Take toilet paper and paper towel rolls, cut spooky eyes into them, and then stick them in your yard. Put glow sticks in them at night and it’ll look like pairs of scary monster eyes are staring out at you!
Make this incredible foam pumpkin garland! It takes a bit of work and materials, but it looks fantastic! And you can even add some lights to them to glow in the dark.
Make a ring of spooky ghost children playing in your yard to freak people out! Just take white cloths and drape them around foam balls stuck into the ground and then tie the sheets together to look like ghost children holding hands.
Get white and orange balloons and make them look like ghosts and pumpkins. You can hang these around your house for easy Halloween decorations.
Turn gourds into ghosts with a bit of white and black paint. Just paint the gourd white and then paint big eyes and a gaping mouth. So easy!
Spray paint a piece of cheese cloth into a ghostly shape. It will stand all by itself, which you can then put around your home or yard for a fun decoration.
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