Believe it or not, school is just around the corner. Don’t get caught off guard and do your last minute preparing in a blind panic, but take a few steps now to get ready. Here are some awesome tips to help you stay organized and get your kids off to school without a problem!
Desk Organizer
If your desk isn’t organized, then most likely nothing else will be. No need to go buy a big, expensive desk organizer, just make your own! This one is made out of toilet paper rolls and cereal boxes but you’d never even guess it!
Get your calendar, kids’ homework, and other notes all organized and together in one spot. Make a super efficient workstation that your whole family can rely on to stay on top of everything.
Keeping track of all the soccer games, PTA meetings, project due dates, and more can get pretty exhausting. Don’t just keep it to yourself on your phone but make a calendar that your whole family can look at and rely on.
Supply Organizer
Nothing is worse than the kids finishing a project only to leave a trail of glitter, pencils, paint, and other crafts in their wake. Make a supply organizer before school even starts and you’ll stay organized for the rest of the year!
First-aid Kit
Scrapes, cuts, and bruises are going to happen at some point in the school year. Send your kids off prepared with their own personalized and compact first aid kit. You never know how helpful a ban-aid can be in most situations!
Lunch Organizer
Don’t scramble to get your kids’ lunches together at the last minute. Use a lunch organizer to keep all their snacks and food in neat, organized sections. Your kids just need to grab bags and they’re on their way!
Not only are these a great decoration idea, they’re also incredibly effective for your kids. Just have them check everything off when they’ve finished it and they won’t bother you until everything is done!
Don’t take this for granted! This checklist starts two months before the first day of school and has everything on it that you need to stay calm and collected for the count down!
Paper Organizer
Whether you think it will happen or not, if you don’t have a way to keep papers organized, then you’re going to have a tornado of papers roaring through your house. Solve this problem with a simple cubby system where your kids can keep everything they need in one spot.
Chalkboard Lunches
This is such a fun idea! Sandwich boxes that have a chalkboard on the front are a great way to leave your kids fun messages in their lunch! Leave them jokes or notes of encouragement every day!
Homework Station
Never have your kids ask you where the scissors, glue sticks, or colored pencils are ever again with this awesome homework station! It keeps everything organized for each kid so they know where their supplies are without having to search the whole house!
Computer Station
Most kids have at least some homework that has to be done on the computer. Turn your computer into the most efficient and organized workstation with a few modifications! Make sure everything has a spot and your family knows where things go so it can stay organized.
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