There’s nothing worse than stepping into a room and being bombarded with a nasty smell! Don’t be the homeowner who constantly has odors lingering around every corner; keep your home smelling clean and fresh with these awesome smell hacks!
For Rooms with Mildew
Some rooms in your home may smell like mold and mildew. While usually it’s the basement, this can really happen to any room in your house. First off, you want to get a dehumidifier to get all the moisture out of the air and carpet. Then try a mixture of tea-tree oil and rubbing alcohol to add a fresh scent to the room.
Dryer Sheets
An easy way to get any room smelling better is by putting dryer sheets on the back of a fan while it’s on. The sheets will stay in place while blowing cool, fresh smelling air all over the room and house!
For Smokey Smells
Sometimes the smell of cigarette smoke (from you or from guests) can linger in your home, even if the smoking happened outside. Other times, burnt food can do the same thing. An easy way to get rid of this smell is by soaking a rag in white vinegar and then walking around the room swinging it around. This may look funny but it really works!
For Garbage Disposal
There are lots of store cleaners to keep your garbage disposal fresh, but you can also make some great home remedies. Pour some ice down the garbage disposal and let it get ground up. Then just sprinkle some borax down the drain and let the disposal do all the work for you!
For Fishy Smells
After cooking fish and seafood, your kitchen (and house) can reek of it for hours on end. Get rid of the smell quickly by mixing two cups of water, three tablespoons of baking soda, and lemon peels. The mixture absorbs the smell while also spreading the lemon aroma throughout the room.
Toilet Paper Roll
This is a great idea! Take a bottle of your favorite scent and put a few drops on the inside of the toilet paper roll. Whenever someone goes to unroll the TP, the drops will be activated and the great smell will fill the bathroom!
Citrus Potpourri
If you’re a fan of the citrus smell, then this is the hack for you! Make your own potpourri by mixing sliced fruit (like oranges and lemons), pineapple juice, coconut oil (if wanted), and water and then let it simmer the whole day. Voila, you have a batch of great smelling citrus potpourri!
For Dishwasher
Believe it or not, this is a great way to clean your dishwasher and get it smelling great again! Add a handful of lemonade Kool-Aid to the dishwasher and run it on a cycle. When it’s over, the dishwasher will be clean and smell like lemons!
For Fridge
Even if you clean out any rotten or spoiled food, your fridge can often retain the stinky smell. This is usually because juices have dripped and stained the inside of the fridge. Simply dip a rag in hydrogen peroxide and wipe down the inside of your fridge. In no time, the odor will be gone!
For Garbage Can
There are actually a few solutions to cleaning a stinky garbage can. The easiest way is to make a mixture of water and white vinegar and to clean out the whole can. That should usually do the trick. However, if the smell remains, then put some coffee grounds at the bottom of the garbage can; they should absorb any lingering bad smells.
You can also boil white vinegar in a pan on the stove once its boiled take the pan off the stove walk around the house with the smells are in the steam from the pan will help get rid of the smell especially with cat smells I’ve done this before and it sounds crazy but it really really work
Oh cool thanks
Wow, thanks
will this work in a room where a dog sleep
If nothing else, it should help! Also, make sure that if the dog sleeps on a bed, you are regularly cleaning it to help eliminate odors.